As the first chapter President of the Zeta Mu chapter, I bring you greetings and gratitude. Watching this chapter go from an idea to a functioning arm of the very first business and professional sorority for African American women, I am overjoyed. Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is a silent force that is quickly reengaging our historical footsteps by fulfilling our attributes and our presence in the community. In order to be successful as a chapter, I challenge my members to keep sisterhood first! Bring the golden links of friendship and love to the forefront and our professional endeavors and tasks will be effortless as we move as ONE. Feel free to visit our website and social media pages frequently for updates so that you can join us for one of our events within the Upper Marlboro & Prince George’s County area.
Be Blessed,
Erica Belton
President, Zeta Mu Chapter